Google Ranking Algorithm
In modern society, technology is unavoidable in our everyday life. These technologies have transformed our mankind’s experiences and the way we perform our daily tasks. In truth, technologies have created a certain kind of dependency. As our lives are surrounded with many technological advances, a world without them seems unimaginable.
I personally see those advantages not just as an essential tool in our life, but also as a friend, a teacher, or even a lifesaver. And that is precisely how I would describe Google Searching, a technology that has been helping us a long time ago. But have ever you wonder how Google can provide you this much information after only a click. They can do all of those work because of Google Search Algorithm. PageRank algorithm is a tool to help Google sort its information. With this amount of data currently, PageRank Algorithm is a vital tool to help Google manage the information library. From this point, Google more accessible to help you looking for information based on your keyword in a blink of an eye.
Google search, also known as Google web Search, a searching tool developed by Google. It is the most popular engine around the world across all platforms, with 92.62% market share as of June 2019, handling more than 5.4 billion searches each day.
PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results. PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages.
- How Google Search works.
Once you enter a keyword, there are thousands of results that pop out on your screen Google search is a tool that helps Google organize all of that information. From there, Google can provide you the best information based on your keyword and generate traffic accordingly.
- We are organizing the content of the web.
Information always is organized in the index even before you search them. The index is like a library; it contains more information than most libraries around the world.
- Instantly matching your search.
In a blink of eyes, Google Search tool could help you go through tons of information on the web page in Index library to find the most relevant and useful result based on your searching keyword.
- Presenting results in helpful ways.
Google divides its information into several types in order to help you find the information quickly. Google could present to you information as a map with direction, images, videos, or stories.
- We only sell ads, not search results.
Even Though you can pay to get a spot for advertisement, no one can pay to get a better place on the search results list.
- Always improving your experience.
To help you get your information faster, relevant, and useful, Google engineers spend a ton of hours every day testing it, conducting hundreds of thousands of experiments every year, resulting in thousands of improvements.
- Meaning of your query.
We need to find out and set the information you are looking for so that we can deliver the most accurate results. Understanding the language of the information given is one of the essential factors in providing accurate information. Therefore, we always build and develop language models to try to decode the information to be searched
The main point of this model is that we try to help computers find spelling errors and thereby expand our search based on some of the latest methods of understanding natural language.
Besides the words that have the same meaning, this algorithm also tries to expand the search based on the keywords you give. When you enter keywords based on a specific language, the search engine uses that language to search for results.
In addition, another essential benefit of this algorithm is determining whether you are looking for a piece of new or old news. If you search for trending keywords, our new algorithms will interpret that as a signal that updated information may be more useful than older pages.
- The relevance of web pages.
Search algorithms of web pages are used to check and analyze web pages that contain information related to the keywords you are looking for.
When the keywords you are looking for appearing in the web pages’ information, it is the most straightforward indication of web pages having information related to the content you are looking for. When the keyword you’re looking for appears on the title or content of the site, the data is likely relevant to what you’re looking for.
In addition to combining simple keywords, we evaluate websites whether they are related to the information you need through the use of aggregated and anonymous interactive data. We convert interactive data into signals that help our analysis algorithm system better assess relevance and relevance.
These relevancy signals help the Search algorithm evaluate whether a site contains answers to your search query, instead of just repeating the same question. Just think: when you search for other dogs, you may not want to have a page with the word “dog” on it hundreds of times. With that in mind, algorithms evaluate whether a page contains related content other than the dog tag — such as pictures of dogs, videos, or even a list of dog breeds.
While our systems look for these types of quantitative signals to assess the relevance, it is essential to note that they are not designed to analyze subjective concepts such as opinion or Political inclination of website content
Besides checking the relevance between the key word you are looking for and the documents on the websites, the algorithm gives priority to reviewing and analyzing reliable sources first. This is a complicated thing, and we did it. Our system is built to recognize the signals that help identify which websites contain the most reliable sources of information and relate to the keywords you are looking for.
We prefer to find information on sites that are highly rated by many users for similar searches. User experience feedback is aggregated from the Search Quality Assessment and the Testing process we use to continue updating and improving our system. From there, let us make the best site suggestions for users.
Spam algorithms help determine the quality of a website and determine whether the site uses fraudulent or specialized technology to appear in search results.
Google web master’s principle is to statistic the spam techniques of low-quality websites, including buying services that help pass PageRank or sneak reading invisible text on the page. We continuously analyze, evaluate, and update the system so that we can improve the analysis results on the websites. Because websites are continually changing content, and there’s always a vast data ecosystem. From there we can give you reliable results.
- Usability of web pages.
When categorizing web pages, Google also analyzes and tests the ease of use of web pages. When we try to fix the errors users encounter, we develop algorithms to categorize high quality and low-quality websites. All of this is to balance everything in the system.
These algorithms help us check whether all users can see the results. The information examined includes how websites appear in different browsers and whether the loading time of each site is slow or fast in various browsers.
We always try to work hard and update daily to notify website owners of our latest changes. Website owners can update and improve the software on their site.
- Context and settings.
Information such as your location, past search history, and Search settings all help us to tailor your results to what is most useful and relevant for you at that moment.
We use your country and location to deliver content relevant to your area. For instance, if you’re in Chicago and you search “football,” Google will most likely show you results about American football and the Chicago Bears first. Whereas if you search “football” in London, Google will rank results about soccer and the Premier League higher. Search settings are also an important indicator of which results in you’re likely to find useful, such as if you set a preferred language or opted in to Safe Search (a tool that helps filter out explicit results).
In some instances, we may also personalize your results using information about your recent Search activity. For example, if you search for “Barcelona” and recently searched for “Barcelona vs. Arsenal,” that could be an important clue that you want information about the football club, not the city.
Search also includes some features that personalize results based on the activity in your Google account. For example, if you search for “events near me,” Google may tailor some recommendations to event categories we think you may be interested in. These systems are designed to match your interests, but they are not intended to infer sensitive characteristics like your race, religion, or political party.
You can control what Search activity is used to improve your Search experience, including adjusting what data is saved to your Google account. To disable Search personalization based on activity in your account, turn off Web & App Activity.
Our mission is always to keep your data safe and secure when trusted and selected by you. That’s why we build controls so you can choose the privacy settings that are right for you or even permanently delete your data. To keep your data safe, we have produced some of the most advanced security infrastructures in the world. Also, we will never sell your personal information to anyone. We make money from advertising, not by selling private information.
Guided by our privacy practices, we create tools and explanations to help you understand how we use data to make Search more useful for you. For example, using your search history, Google may automatically complete your searches. So if you start searching for “Barcelona,” we can suggest places or attractions you’ve searched before you finish importing them.
We always review and check many factors, including each of your search terms, what you are looking for, about your language and location. From those things to help you find what you are looking for. About 15 percent of search results every day are completely new things we’ve never seen before. Therefore, to give you the most accurate results, we update and improve our terminology system every day.
To measure whether people continue to find our results relevant and reliable, we have a rigorous process that includes extensive testing and thousands of independent people around the world — search quality reviews.